Shen Wei Dance Arts

Shen Wei Dance Arts performed three pieces at the Park Avenue Armory, including a World Premiere commisioned by the Park Ave. Armory entitled “Undivided Divided.”
The other pieces are:
Rite of Spring
Premiered: 2003 (American Dance Festival)
Choreography, Sets, and Costumes: Shen Wei
Music: Igor Stravinsky (Four-hand piano version recorded by Fazil Say)
Lighting: Jennifer Tipton

Premiered: 2000 (originally created for China’s Guangdong Modern Dance Company)
Choreography, Set, Costume, and Make Up: Shen Wei
Music: John Tavener and Tibetan Buddhist Chants
Lighting: Jennifer Tipton

Undivided Divided
(world premiere)
Commissioned by Park Avenue Armory
Concept, choreography and set design: Shen Wei
Original score: Sō Percussion
Lighting: Jennifer Tipton
Video design and animation: Josh Horowitz, Layne Braunstein, and Blair Neal
Costume design: Austin Scarlett
Credit: Stephanie Berger